Catholic Homeschooling:

A Learning Lifestyle


NEW Podcast

Thank you to Lisa for having me back on her podcast, Homeschooling Saints! In this episode, we talked about advent and the experience of living it in different locations. Wishing you all a very blessed advent and Christmas season wherever you are.


Organizing your H O M E

As featured on “The Homeschooling Saints Podcast” hosted by Lisa Mladinich, listen below:

Huge thank you to Lisa for having me on your show!

How is your HOME plan going? This podcast and new blog post will help you reflect on this.

How is your HOME plan going?

This podcast and new blog post will help you reflect on this.

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blog posts

Advent… a light in the darkness

with or without snow…

The 12 Days of Christmas….

Powerful Prayer apps

blog post for advent stories

“Wonder while we wait…”


Tips & Tricks

organizing for the school year


Nature Moments

a field journal


Wonderful Websites

fun finds online

Supporting Struggling Students

how to help


Favorite Finds

curriculum & enrichment resources

Contact me

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Margaret Gallipeau