Captive Turtles.

We “saved” (captured) baby turtles from our driveway.

We “saved” (captured) baby turtles from our driveway.

We researched good food for them and they were very happy for a day, until released back to the wild.

We researched good food for them and they were very happy for a day, until released back to the wild.

“Wonder is the desire for knowledge.”

-Thomas Aquinas

“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”

-Albert Einstein

“Wonder is the feeling of the philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.”


Nature study encourages the sense of wonder and and appreciation for the order and beauty in God’s world.

There are many ways to include nature study in your family learning.

I will be sharing with you both formal and informal ways to accomplish this goal and why it matters.

If you would like more ideas on related to nature study and how to create nature journals, subscribe to my blog .
