Nature Journal Club…

“ Your delight in God’s creation will communicate 

to [your children] the wonders God has given us and gratitude for them.”

Laura M. Berquist Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum p.32


This is the year to begin.

I have done nature study with my children for many years,

nature trails, park days,

walks on the beach, trips to the lake, the pond, the park.

I often encouraged my children to write in their nature journals.

But this year I decided I would really join them in a new way…

I started a nature journaling club and

I bought my own journal. It is my hope

this blog will provide ideas and inspiration to

those moms like me, who want to share in the awe and wonder of 

nature with our children.

Have you read about the importance of nature study and journaling

and want to try it with your own family?

If you are new to nature study, or have enjoyed it for many years,

I hope you will find some insights here that encourage you

to continue,

or maybe,

to try again.

If your children keep nature journals

but you have never kept one yourself,

maybe this is the year to start.

Each month I share updates and ideas

as I jump into nature journaling myself.


Getting started …


Wonder while we wait…